In managing all aspects of operations, the Company is committed to always fully considering the effects on their stakeholders. This is shown by the Company’s firmness regarding employment practices and occupational health and safety with the purpose of minimizing work accidents.
Human Resources (HR) is the most important asset for the continuance of the business, therefore the Company is committed to managing human resources by prioritizing the improvement of quality and professionalism.
Gender Equality and Work Opportunities
Human resource management practices in Bukit Uluwatu are implemented without prejudice to gender, religion, race or other groups. All Indonesian citizens that can meet the requirements and qualification and pass the recruitment phase set by the Company have equal opportunities to start their career in the Company. The Company is also committed to fulfilling various rights and obligations of the employees according to laws and regulations as part of employment policy.
Occupational Health and Safety
The Company has a high regard towards occupational health and safety of their employees. The Company accommodates a few health facilities such as; outpatient health coverage, in-patient insurance coverage, life and work accident insurances.
Additionally, the Company also provides a number of benefits for their employees through social security program in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations such as:
1. Employment Benefit (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)
- Death Insurance;
- Work Accident Benefit;
- Pension; and
- Retirement Benefit
2. Health Benefit (BPJS Kesehatan)
Employee Turnover
Employee turnover rate in 2016 stood at 51 people. This number faced a decline from 2015 which was reported at 58 people.
Education and/or Trainings
As part of the employees’ efforts in improving their human resources competencies, the Company has administered various education and training programs that have been tailored to the employees’ profession to support the Company’s growth. Throughout 2016, the Company administered 544 training programs that were attended by 598 participants.